Innovative robotics courses at R2X Labs

Stay updated with the latest advancements in robotics!

Robotic Courses for robotics students

Want to learn more about our courses?

Robotic 1

Learn the basics, robot movements, coordinate systems, safety and how to program the industrial robots.

Robotic 2

Switch up a gear and expand on the Robotic 1 knowledge with more advanced programming of the industrial robots.

Automation with robotics

Robots are no the only parts on the factory floor. Learn how everything is connected and how the setup is done

Robotic Courses for informatics students

Want to learn more about our courses?

Fundamentals of Automation

This course aims to provide informatics students with a foundational understanding of automation and robotics.

Robotic 1

Learn the basics, robot movements, coordinate systems, safety and how to program the industrial robots.

AI in Robotics

This course is designed to equip informatics students with advanced knowledge and practical skills in AI for robotics, preparing them for innovative roles in this evolving field.

Robotic Courses for Industrial Engineering and Management students

Want to learn more about our courses?

Robotic 1

Learn the basics, robot movements, coordinate systems, safety and how to program the industrial robots.

Robotics in Engineering and Management

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Automation with robotics

This course aims to equip students with the knowledge to understand, manage, and evaluate robotic projects in business contexts, highlighting risks, costs, and future trends in automation and robotics.